Hosting an event or having a congress on a distant location? Making sure everybody is having fun and having not worry about getting to the location is probably the first thing on your mind. Let us worry about the transport. At Bakker Travel, we have years of experience in transport with small or large groups of people.
When you organise a festival or company event, we are happy to support you with one of the most important questions: How to get there? Organising a big event means that a large number of visitors must be able to reach the location, not only by their own car or by bike, but also with public transport.
Is the parking area not directly near the event or do the visitors come by public transport, or the train station is just too far away? Then shuttle buses are the solution for you. We have a lot of experience with shuttle transport. We think along with you about parking problems, shuttle buses, coordination and help you with your logistical worries.
Whether you are looking for a luxury coach, minibus or VIP coach, we have everything you need to make your congress or event a succes!
We offer excellent service and a wide range of coaches, for small and large groups,
double-deckers, VIP transport, minibus and wheelchair-accessible transport.