We meet the strict requirements of the KIWO ISA 9001 certification. For you, this means that you can count on optimal service, quality and safety. Constant monitoring of the fleet and drivers gives you the assurance that safety and service comes first.
Every coach company that is recognised as a Touring Car Company Quality Mark offers extra guarantees to its passengers. These guarantees relate to the safety and agreed comfort of the coaches, the professionalism and serviceability of the drivers, strict compliance with driving and rest time legislation and compliance with the social regulations of the industry. Moreover, to be on the safe side, these coach companies are always more than adequately insured. These extra guarantees should also give the client a feeling of safety: after all, he is (at least morally) responsible for the passengers for whom he has arranged the transport.
The constant quality assurance means that the recognised Touringcar Company Quality Mark can rightly call itself a specialist in transport by coach. Within a Quality Mark company, continuous internal checks takes place on the basis of the quality manual, while an independent audit institution regularly carries out external checks. This provides the passenger with the best service for all tourist, business and recreational transport. Safety, comfort and service are paramount at the quality mark company.
We offer excellent service and a wide range of coaches, for small and large groups,
double-deckers, VIP transport, minibus and wheelchair-accessible transport.